
Goodnight Mr. Thom

Här kommer första bokrecensionen! Kommer nog komma andra inom snart då jag är ledig och har tid att läsa och inte arbeta med skolarbete. Och då jag har läst boken på engelska tänkte jag även skriva bokrecensionen på engelska.

This book is about the eight year old boy William Beech who just before the second world war is evacuated to a man whos name is Thomas Oakley or Mr. Thom as William calls him. William is a very small and fargile child who thinks he is a bad boy although he´s not. It is his mother who have made him think this and the result of his "bad" behavior is regular beatings. So when he joins  Mr. Thom at his house he is really afraid that he will get the same treatment there, however even though Mr. Thom is a very unsocial person after this wifes tragic death in childbirth he is not the kind of person who belives in correcting a child through beating. And together they join the social society, make friends and in the end become a familly.

A little about the main characters

William "Will" Beech:
William is a eigth year old blond boy, wich is a small child for his age becuase of malnutrition, mainly becuase his mother is a poor widow and not the war wich yet haven´t started. William belives himself to be a "bad boy" because of his mother who is a very religious person and very hard on the rules and beats him when he don´t follow her preposterous rules. William is in the beginning a very unhappy child but grows as the days, weeks and eventualy months go by into a happy child.

Thomas "Mr. Thom" Oakley:
Mr. Thom is a very sturdy man who´s in his sixties and have white hair and a white beard. Mr. Thom is a very unsocial person because when he was about twenty his wife died in childbirth and his newborn son died shortly after. After her tragic death Mr. Thom draws within himslelf to grieve and when he came out he´s a grumpy old man whos only friend is his dog Sammy. However after Williams arrival he begins to join the society again and starts to consider William as his son.

This book is very good written and it ends quite happy, however some parts of it are very sad and tragic and really reflects how bad some people had it during the second world war. As a very touching story it dosen´t have much excitement but I would recommend this book to anyone above the age of 13 because it is very touching and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did and I do belive anyone with a heart could read this book and fell joy for William and Thom after they have read the last page and for the last time closed the book...



Ledsen jag inte skrivit något på senaste tiden varit lite upptagen med skolan och UF. Annars mår jag ganska bra. jag har ännu inte läst ut heligt guld. bestämde mig för att pausa den för att läsa en annan nämligen god night mister thom. som jag nu läst ut så jag fortsätter att läsa heligt guld. kanske kommer att skriva om god night mister thom. vad tycker ni?